- Delivery costs
- Delivery time
- Tracking
As soon as your order has been shipped, you will receive the track and trace details of the shipment by email. With this information you can track the shipment online and estimate which day and what time the courier will deliver the order. If the shipment cannot be traced after 48 hours, please contact us.
If no one is present at the time of delivery, the courier will usually try to deliver the order to one of your neighbors. In this case you will receive a note or email that you can collect the shipment from neighbors A or B. If this is also unsuccessful, the courier will deliver the order to the nearest parcel shop. Here you can then pick up the order. Please bring a valid proof of identity with you. The courier will only make one delivery attempt at private delivery addresses. If you are unable to pick up the order at a parcel shop, try to be present at the first delivery attempt.
- Transporters
- Express delivery
- Pickup